Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bon Voyage

Or, Bongarage, as I have heard here in ol' Bawlmer.
Posts will appear once I get to Niamey! Hope that you all have a very happy Thanksgiving!


Unknown said...

Wishing you great adventure, new insights and a greater understanding of the world as you endeavor to aid and learn. We all at the the Coalition will be intently following your journey.

Margaret said...

What a beautiful blog, Steph! So proud of your technology skills and your courage and determination to make a difference.
You go, girl!
Stay safe...

WaldoinNursing said...

You are my hero! Good luck and big hugs. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures.

Unknown said...

You are going to change so many lives, Steph, by sharing your knowledge as well as your positive spirit. I look forward to hearing all about your experiences. Love ya!